Sunday, October 1, 2017

2017 - Wait, What Just Happened?

So much has happened this year.  I find myself stunned at times, yet grateful.

In December of '16, I applied to college to start my education in social work.  Something that I always wanted to do, but was afraid to do. I was excited to begin and was so happy that God had opened the door for me.

In January, my husband, among many other older workers with families, was laid off.  Many of the employees had ten or more years with the company. Four weeks later, the same company began hiring for those positions.  They hired younger workers who needed less health insurance and other benefits.  It stung deeply and turned our world upside down.

Needless to say, my college plans were placed on hold, as both my husband and I began to search for work.  I was offered two positions and I accepted a position with an ophthalmology practice I'd been employed with decades ago.

In January, my son eloped with his bride and moved away from home.  I had to learn to let go and let he and his wife cleave.  I don't think anyone is a natural mother-in-law.  It's just not easy.  Thank the Lord for my precious daughter-in-law.

By February, I discovered that I still really enjoyed ophthalmology, but I struggled with why God had opened the door for an education in social work, only to close it.  It was a hard time of wrestling.  I was deeply disappointed and sad.

By March, Grace was doing an amazing job of independent learning.  I struggled with her being at home without me. Yet, I also saw the blessings of not being there to hover over her education.  She rose to the challenge and began to thrive in ways I hadn't seen before.

March was also the month that I began to emerge from my social work self-pity.  I discovered that I could use all my encouraging skills at work and I still had a knack for ophthalmology assisting.  I decided to pursue my JCAHPO certification.  I couldn't justify six years of an expensive education to make the same amount of money as I'd make as a certified assistant.  So I began to study.

In April, Chuck accepted a job with Publix and began working his way into customer service management.

By May, I was burning out on being a full time employee and keeping my home in order.  I paid Grace a salary to do the chores.  That helped, but I felt torn between being the keeper of my home and being a woman with a career. I continued to study.

In June, Grace received her standardized test results back and learned that she did an amazing job at educating herself.  Ferlita women are made to do hard things. So proud of her!

In July, I ran out of money to pay Grace.  Our combined salaries did not allow us continue in the lifestyle in which we were accustomed. Something had to give.  Unfortunately, that meant I could no longer pay Grace, we reduced our food budget, turned up our thermostat, bought fans to place throughout the house, and began to require our adult children, living at home, to pitch in for expenses.

In August, Andrew and Jaclynn moved to Tennessee where Jac began her nursing education at Tennessee Weslyan University.  Andrew continued his career in the welding/pipefitting industry.  They are on an adventure and have had some trial to handle. I felt broken at this point. My heart moved all the way to Tennessee. Yet, this is exactly what they needed to do.  I learned to say, "It is well with my soul," and mean it.

With my priorities changing, I began to re-evaluate social media, relationships and motivation.  I made some hard decisions and appropriate adjustments.

September brought us Hurricane Irma. The news media was over the top and people panicked. There was no food or water on the shelves in my grocery store.  Yet, I wasn't really worried. It was going to be okay...and it was.

I took the first step in becoming a certified ophthalmic assistant in September.  I took the end of course exam and got a 94%.  Once my application for the COA exam is approved, I will have ninety days to schedule the test.  I continue to study.

So we begin October - cooler weather, fall festivals, a wrap up to the year, Christmas on the way.  So much has changed and little of it was on my radar at the beginning of the year. 

God's grace has carried me.


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Creaky gate? Noisy Gong? Nope...I know your words will be thoughtful and kind! Thanks for taking the time to comment!