Tuesday, March 3, 2015

War of Words - Chapter 7 - What Is My Mission?

I decided to rewrite this blog, and as life would have it, I ended up putting it on the back burner as I dealt with a difficult situation involving communication.  I have been ruminating upon the principles I learned on my first trip through this book, and I decided I need to read this chapter again before I spoke.  So after taking some time to seek the Lord and recover from my negative experience, I am ready to speak from a better perspective.

Chapter 7, War of Words, is all about speaking for Jesus.  There was a time in my life when I was all about "telling the truth," and boy, oh boy, I did that to a fault!  Legalism had become my friend and it wrought havoc in my relationships for a time.

I went to a church in which the truth was slung at people as a weapon. It was an accuser and always made it's wielder feel a bit more superior than others.  As a result, truth injured, rather than bringing healing and growth.  Thankfully, the Lord used this book to help me learn a better way.

Mr. Tripp teaches us several principles of surrendered communication which are derived from 2 Corinthians 5.

1.  We need to speak with an understanding that we are God's ambassadors.  We are not to serve our own interests.  We are here to serve Jesus.  So that means we do not have the freedom to use our talk to advance our own desires.

2.  Ambassadors need to speak out of a clear understanding of the King's mission.  What is the mission of Christ?  His mission is to speak to the heart of all men - that they may trust in Him and be saved.  The first question I ask myself is, "Am I loving others like Jesus, as I communicate?"  I must remember that every word I speak reflects my own heart.  My words show my listener who or what I am worshiping. Am I worshiping my own desires and time, or am I worshiping Jesus and speaking as He leads?

3.  Ambassadors need to speak with an understanding of the King's methods. 
"An ambassador is called not only to say what the King would say, but to say it in the way he would say it." ~Speaking for the King, War of Words

We are not free to say whatever we want in any manner we choose to say it.  Our hearts must be surrendered to Christ.  Love should be our motivation.
"I want to hang on to offenses, and to replay the offense over and over again in my head (Ephesians 4:26-27).  I want to move people by the force of my hurt and anger, rather than by patient, humble forgiveness (James 1:20).  I speak too quickly and find it tiresome to listen patiently and attentively (v 19).  I get caught up in the heat of the moment, instead of stepping back and preparing myself to speak in a godly way. (Proverbs 15:28)

I think what strikes me is that Christ is in charge.  It is not my responsibility to change or transform people.  That is the work of God.  My job is to love people with words that are surrendered to Him.  This past week I had a disagreement with someone about an area of life in which the Bible gives us much freedom.  Instead of agreeing to disagree, I was lectured.  The words used were overwhelming and I felt belittled for not believing in the same way the speaker did.  Instead of trusting that the Lord was leading and directing me (because we are both believers), this person slung her viewpoint at me, and didn't give me any time to respond, or ask questions.  So hard...and it helped me understand the feelings of those whom I have hurt in the same way so long ago.

So grateful that the Lord's mercies are new each morning!  God gives grace and we move on.  May our words reflect His love this week!

Where in your life do you find irritation, anger, or frustration that reveals a commitment to your own agenda and not the Lord's? Are there opportunities to join in what God is doing in the lives of others?  How is God calling us to personally sacrifice as we communicate with others?

Still need the book?  You can get it here: War of Words: Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles (Resources for Changing Lives)

Love and grace,

 *This post contains affiliate links.

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Creaky gate? Noisy Gong? Nope...I know your words will be thoughtful and kind! Thanks for taking the time to comment!