Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Graduation Day

My oldest son graduated from our local community college with certification in auto body and collision today.  We are so proud of him!

This young man finished high school in 2010, decided to take a year to work, while taking classes at the local community college toward a degree in environmental science.  After a year or so, he was fairly certain he would never be able to support a family as a park ranger, and he could not envision himself working in a lab.  Most of all, he definitely did not want to spend six years getting a master's degree so he could earn $30,000 a year.  He researched his options, and wrestled with reality until he came to the conclusion that a trade program might serve him better. 

Matt is all about good stewardship, and loves, loves, loves all things old and antique.  He also wanted to be able to serve others in some capacity.  He thought mechanics, but when we toured the college's trade program facilities, another program caught his attention.  Auto Body and Restoration.  Matt loved the idea of restoration, and he liked the idea of being able to work with his hands to serve others.  He took some more time to think about things, and ultimately registered for the program in August of 2013. 

Twelve months of hands on instruction, book work and projects, followed by six months of paid internship - first with a collision company, and then with an awesome restoration auto body shop that primarily works on vintage and antique automobiles.  Matt has learned so much and grown so strong. 

Today, I followed my son home after the graduation ceremony. It struck me how confidently he drove.  The traffic was heavy in one spot, but Matt merged onto the highway without hesitation.  I knew immediately that the Lord was showing me something important. Matt was not a little boy anymore.  My heart panged a moment as I realized that God had loosed Matt from my apron strings.  It certainly didn't happen today. It had already happened - sometime in the last few years. 

The sun was high in the sky as I continued to watch him drive.  Where had my little boy gone?

Matt (12) and Grace (newborn)

As I pulled in the driveway my heart lightened.  Standing in the yard was the man my son had become.

So grateful.

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Creaky gate? Noisy Gong? Nope...I know your words will be thoughtful and kind! Thanks for taking the time to comment!