Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day - Praying for the Weary Mom

It is the middle of the night on the eve of Mother's Day. Tossing and turning, I felt the Lord call me to pray and write. My heart is burdened for many of my friends - hardworking, dedicated, loving mothers - who are weary. I know you're there, Mama. I've had painful days too.

Mama, I see you not buying the clothes you need so that your child doesn't have to wear high water jeans to church. (They grow so fast.) I know you go without many pleasures, and yet when you indulge yourself, you always feel guilty.

I've watched you as you've struggled with hard choices as you have raised your children within a materialistic culture. I know the weariness that washes over you when you have had to say, "no," a thousand times - especially when you have had to say it to yourself.

I've seen you experience the inward turmoil of personal choices - "If I worked outside the home then I would have nicer furniture, a newer car, less stress during bill paying time, and a sense of accomplishment." or, "If I stayed at home I would have a better relationship with my family, a cleaner home and more time for the things I really want to do." (The grass is always greener on the other side of fence...until you hop the fence.)

I've seen you struggle in your marriage to prioritize your husband and balance the needs of your children, yet always feel like you're failing. I understand the temptation to quit, run away, and hide.

I've been there, mama. I've adapted to the loneliness of a monotonous, quiet routine and wondered if I really matter at all. Do they even notice that they have towels and underwear when they need them? Do they understand how much I'd rather be doing something...anything else? Yet, here I stay, doing the necessary - pouring myself out because of love.

Love is powerful like that. It's our super power.

I see you, mama. Don't grow weary in doing good. You matter, and everything you do testifies to the love of Jesus. So take those thoughts captive and let your everyday life - whatever that is - worship Him.

 But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. ~1 Corinthians 13:13

Need encouragement?  Sally Mae is one of my favorite encouragers.  God used her wise words to strengthen my weary heart two years ago.  Fellowship, empathy, truth and encouragement. So very good.

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I am so grateful for all the moms in my life who are committed to being real. You are one of my greatest blessings. Thank you for sharing your lives with me.  Your openness and integrity inspires me to rejoice in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ is made perfect.

I am praying for you all, dear sisters.

Grateful for grace,

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